Results for 'Carlos Orlando Lozada Riascos'

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  1. Diseño factorial fraccionado 2k-p aplicado a la determinación Del valor de conservación de inmuebles de interes cultural.Carlos Orlando Lozada Riascos & Jorge Andres Urrutia Mosquera - 2008 - Scientia 14.
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    Alienação da técnica na filosofia de mayz vallenilla.Carlos Javier Lozada Villegas - 2021 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 12 (23):10-24.
    Neste ensaio, gostaria de esclarecer, por meio da filosofia de Mayz Vallenilla, a estreita relação que existe entre técnica e alienação, como uma filosofia da técnica que se preocupa com o comportamento do homem, portanto, com sua alienação. Como resultado, este ensaio será dividido em três partes: na primeira seção, será desenvolvido um diálogo entre um historiador e um sociólogo, para construir uma breve história da técnica; na segunda seção apresentarei um diálogo sobre o conceito de alienação entre Marx e (...)
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    (2 other versions)Crónica / Chronicle.Orlando Poblete Ortúzar, Daria Drozdova, Alberto Castaldini, Vanda B. Martins, Pablo López López & Carlos Morujão - 2009 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 65 (1/4):737 - 763.
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    Activation of end-terms in syllogistic reasoning.Orlando Espino, Carlos Santamaria & Juan A. Garcia-Madruga - 2000 - Thinking and Reasoning 6 (1):67 – 89.
    We report five experiments showing that the activation of the end-terms of a syllogism is determined by their position in the composite model of the premises. We show that it is not determined by the position of the terms in the rule being applied (Ford, 1994), by the syntactic role of the terms in the premises (Polk & Newell, 1995; Wetherick & Gilhooly, 1990), by the type of conclusion (Chater & Oaksford, 1999), or by the terms from the source premise (...)
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  5. Early and late processes in syllogistic reasoning: Evidence from eye-movements.Orlando Espino, Carlos Santamaría, Enrique Meseguer & Manuel Carreiras - 2005 - Cognition 98 (1):B1-B9.
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    Theories of reasoning and the representational level: A reply to Oaksford.Carlos Santamaría, Orlando Espino & Juan A. García-Madruga - 2001 - Thinking and Reasoning 7 (2):209-213.
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    Biological Dual-Use Research and Synthetic Biology of Yeast.Angela Cirigliano, Orlando Cenciarelli, Andrea Malizia, Carlo Bellecci, Pasquale Gaudio, Michele Lioj & Teresa Rinaldi - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (2):365-374.
    In recent years, the publication of the studies on the transmissibility in mammals of the H5N1 influenza virus and synthetic genomes has triggered heated and concerned debate within the community of scientists on biological dual-use research; these papers have raised the awareness that, in some cases, fundamental research could be directed to harmful experiments, with the purpose of developing a weapon that could be used by a bioterrorist. Here is presented an overview regarding the dual-use concept and its related international (...)
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    Didactic Units in Biology and Environmental Education: A Review for Latin America.Juan Carlos González García, Wilmer Orlando López González, Andrés Fernando Alulema Moncayo & Marco Antonio García Pacheco - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:236-248.
    This article reviews the didactic units in biology and environmental education in the context of Latin America, analyzing their design, implementation, and effectiveness in the teaching of environmental and biological topics. Through a literature review and case analysis, the most commonly used teaching strategies are identified and their impact on student learning is evaluated. It highlights best practices and proposes recommendations to improve the quality of biology and environmental education in the region.
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    Propuesta metodologica para la elaboración de planes de negocios.Leonel Arias Montoya, Liliana Margarita Portilla de Arias & Carlos Alberto Acevedo Lozada - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Estudio de factibilidad para la creación de un hemocentro regional en Pereira.Leonel Arias Montoya, Liliana Margarita Portilla de Arias & Carlos Alberto Acevedo Lozada - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  11. Solving the Black Box Problem: A Normative Framework for Explainable Artificial Intelligence.Carlos Zednik - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (2):265-288.
    Many of the computing systems programmed using Machine Learning are opaque: it is difficult to know why they do what they do or how they work. Explainable Artificial Intelligence aims to develop analytic techniques that render opaque computing systems transparent, but lacks a normative framework with which to evaluate these techniques’ explanatory successes. The aim of the present discussion is to develop such a framework, paying particular attention to different stakeholders’ distinct explanatory requirements. Building on an analysis of “opacity” from (...)
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  12. The Nature of Dynamical Explanation.Carlos Zednik - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (2):238-263.
    The received view of dynamical explanation is that dynamical cognitive science seeks to provide covering law explanations of cognitive phenomena. By analyzing three prominent examples of dynamicist research, I show that the received view is misleading: some dynamical explanations are mechanistic explanations, and in this way resemble computational and connectionist explanations. Interestingly, these dynamical explanations invoke the mathematical framework of dynamical systems theory to describe mechanisms far more complex and distributed than the ones typically considered by philosophers. Therefore, contemporary dynamicist (...)
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  13. Bayesian reverse-engineering considered as a research strategy for cognitive science.Carlos Zednik & Frank Jäkel - 2016 - Synthese 193 (12):3951-3985.
    Bayesian reverse-engineering is a research strategy for developing three-level explanations of behavior and cognition. Starting from a computational-level analysis of behavior and cognition as optimal probabilistic inference, Bayesian reverse-engineers apply numerous tweaks and heuristics to formulate testable hypotheses at the algorithmic and implementational levels. In so doing, they exploit recent technological advances in Bayesian artificial intelligence, machine learning, and statistics, but also consider established principles from cognitive psychology and neuroscience. Although these tweaks and heuristics are highly pragmatic in character and (...)
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    Maps between some different kinds of contraction function: The finite case.Carlos E. Alchourrón & David Makinson - 1986 - Studia Logica 45 (2):187 - 198.
    In some recent papers, the authors and Peter Gärdenfors have defined and studied two different kinds of formal operation, conceived as possible representations of the intuitive process of contracting a theory to eliminate a proposition. These are partial meet contraction (including as limiting cases full meet contraction and maxichoice contraction) and safe contraction. It is known, via the representation theorem for the former, that every safe contraction operation over a theory is a partial meet contraction over that theory. The purpose (...)
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    Are Systems Neuroscience Explanations Mechanistic?Carlos Zednik - unknown
    Whereas most branches of neuroscience are thought to provide mechanistic explanations, systems neuroscience is not. Two reasons are traditionally cited in support of this conclusion. First, systems neuroscientists rarely, if ever, rely on the dual strategies of decomposition and localization. Second, they typically emphasize organizational properties over the properties of individual components. In this paper, I argue that neither reason is conclusive: researchers might rely on alternative strategies for mechanism discovery, and focusing on organization is often appropriate and consistent with (...)
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    Attention explains the transition to unlimited associative learning better than consciousness.Carlos Montemayor - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (2):1-5.
    This commentary focuses on the importance of attention skills in the development of universal associative learning, and it explains why the centrality of attention in UAL presents a considerable difficulty for the UAL approach. Attentional abilities are not just developmentally related to UAL but are in fact explanatory of UAL. The main problem is that all the types of attention involved in UAL can be dissociated from consciousness. This means that while attention skills for UAL might be necessary for consciousness, (...)
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    La pobreza extrema es prioridad: Un argumento sobre la distribución equitativa de la vacuna contra el COVID‐19 en Perú.Carlos Augusto Yabar - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 24 (2):102-106.
    La humanidad ya dispone de vacunas eficaces contra el COVID‐19. En Perú se administraron 86 millones de dosis para cubrir la demanda de 33 millones de peruanos. Para ello, se ha priorizado la vacunación en grupos clave: personal de salud, sujetos con condiciones de salud preexistentes y mayores de 65 años. Sin embargo, dada la problemática social y la situación de la salud pública en Perú, este trabajo defiende que la prioridad de la vacunación debe centrarse en la población que (...)
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    Mal, daño y justicia.Carlos Thiebaut - 2005 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 7 (1).
    Algunas experiencias del siglo XX -Auschwitz, el Gulag, Hiroshima- han vuelto a herir la conciencia ilustrada y replanteado el problema del mal en nuestra cultura. Más que una indagación metafísica sobre la naturaleza del mal, el artículo aboga por un análisis de cómo llegamos a elaborar su experiencia, un proceso que aquí prefiere concebirse como una indagación en torno al daño. Se analizan las estructuras conceptuales, modales y temporales de esa experiencia y, en la segunda parte, se propone la idea (...)
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    Direct medical costs of care for Chinese patients with colorectal neoplasia: a health care service provider perspective.Carlos K. H. Wong, Cindy L. K. Lam, Jensen T. C. Poon, Sarah M. McGhee, Wai-Lun Law, Dora L. W. Kwong, Janice Tsang & Pierre Chan - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (6):1203-1210.
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    The Presence of the Body in Digital Education: A Phenomenological Approach to Embodied Experience.Carlos Willatt & Luis Manuel Flores - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (1):21-37.
    In a context of pervasive digitalization of the social world, both before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, the field of education has undergone major changes with the development of digital practices and settings. However, the physical presence of the subjects and the body remain something primordial and irreplaceable in traditional educational processes. Thus, it is often assumed that virtuality is opposed to the corporeal reality of the subjects involved in teaching, learning and studying. In this paper we aim to critically (...)
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    Framing Messages to Deal With the COVID-19 Crisis: The Role of Loss/Gain Frames and Content.Carlos Gantiva, William Jiménez-Leal & Joan Urriago-Rayo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The goal of this study was to test the role of message framing for effective communication of self-care behaviors in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, contrasting health and economic-focused messages. We presented 319 participants with an unforced choice task where they had to select the message that they believed was more effective to increase intentions toward self-care behaviors, motivate self-care behaviors in others, increase perceived risk and enhance perceived message strength. Results showed that gain-frame health messages increased intention to (...)
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  22. Prezada Censura”: cartas ao regime militar.Carlos Fico - forthcoming - Topoi.
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  23. Recht, persoon en gemeenschap.Carlos Gits - 1949 - Leuven,: Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte.
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    Sanación holística.Carlos Alberto Rosas Jiménez - 2024 - Persona y Bioética 28 (1):e2812.
    Independientemente de qué considere cada persona como saludable, lo más seguro es que cualquiera de nosotros quiera vivir una vida sin molestias ni dolores. De alguna manera todos queremos bienestar. Pues bien, el libro _Holistic Healing _editado por Peter A. Dunn nos presenta diferentes teorías, prácticas y el cambio social que estas traen consigo. Para algunos sectores y personas del ámbito de la salud, el término “holístico” puede causar desconfianza, recelo o simplemente indiferencia, ya que el término “holístico” ha sido (...)
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    Solidification in square section.Carlos Hernán Salinas Lira - 2001 - Theoria 10 (1):47-56.
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  26. Andrés Rodríguez Rubio : tres estudios de ética.Carlos Rojas Osorio - 2016 - In Carlos Rojas Osorio, Manfred Kerkhoff, Antonio Mansilla Triviño, Luis Ramírez, José Rivera & Juan José Sánchez (eds.), La filosofía en Puerto Rico: los transterrados. Universidad de Puerto Rico,: Red Caribeña de Filosofía :.
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  27. Walter Benjamin, el cine y el futor del arte.Carlos Antonio Aguirre Rojas - 2018 - In Arizmendi Echecopar, Luis Felipe & György Márkus (eds.), Walter Benjamin: la dialéctica de la modernidad y sus prismas. Ciudad de México: Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung.
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    Building Internal Strength, Sustainable Self-Esteem, and Inner Motivation as a Researcher.Carlos Andres Trujillo - 2007 - Journal of Research Practice 3 (1):Article M8.
    Having a “normal” professional job and doing research impose different social and personal connotations. These differences materialize at least in two clear ways. First, it is common that researchers in the making find it very difficult to communicate to their closest social network (e.g., family and old close friends) the content and the importance of their work, as they lose known sources of social comparison. Meanwhile, professional job titles (e.g., brand manager, auditor, lawyer) are self-explanatory, and they provide for the (...)
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    El relato autobiográfico: narrar la experiencia como ejercicio de escritura de sí mismo y construcción social de la realidad.Carlos G. Juliao Vargas - 2021 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 78:79-95.
    Desde el terreno de la filosofía como estilo de vida, y de la subjetividad social y la interpretación como quehacer investigativo, analizo primero los relatos autobiográficos en su relación con la acción social y sus sentidos, es decir, la subjetividad social. Luego, presento una reflexión sobre la reconstrucción de la experiencia personal durante el relato (y el papel que juega la memoria en dicho proceso), que culmina con la incorporación del mito, como forma de configurar la narración desde un saber (...)
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    Response to “In defense of the somatic mutation theory of cancer”.Carlos Sonnenschein & Ana M. Soto - 2011 - Bioessays 33 (9):657-659.
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    Repairing the interpolation theorem in quantified modal logic.Carlos Areces, Patrick Blackburn & Maarten Marx - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 124 (1-3):287-299.
    Quantified hybrid logic is quantified modal logic extended with apparatus for naming states and asserting that a formula is true at a named state. While interpolation and Beth's definability theorem fail in a number of well-known quantified modal logics , their counterparts in quantified hybrid logic have these properties. These are special cases of the main result of the paper: the quantified hybrid logic of any class of frames definable in the bounded fragment of first-order logic has the interpolation property, (...)
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    Generosity: Variations on a theme from Aristotle to Levinas.Carlos Alberto Sanchez - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (3):442-453.
    This paper traces the concept and phenomenon of generosity from Aristotle to Emannuel Levinas and beyond. The question motivating this investigation is: must the generous act be restricted by a rational calculation of correct, or prudent, giving? Answers to this question vary. Aristotle and Kant would answer in the affirmative, while Emerson and Levinas would not. The bulk of this paper is dedicated to Levinas's characterization of excessive generosity as a condition for the fundamental ethical relation, namely, the generous welcome (...)
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    Democracia y diferencia: un aspecto del debate sobre el multiculturalismo.Carlos Thiebaut - 2020 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 31:41-60.
    En este trabajo, el autor analiza las contradicciones que el multiculturalismo plantea en las sociedades actuales, resaltando la importante mediación que el sistema político democrático lleva a cabo en la resolución de las mismas. A partir de los artículos de tres autores ('The Politics ofRecognition" de CH Taylor: "Struggles for Recognition in Constitutional States" de J. Habermas y "Legitimacy and Diversity: Dialectical Reflections on Analytical Distinctions" de T. McCarthy) y de la referencia final al trabajo de Rawls 'The Law of (...)
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    El infierno de Frantz Fanon.Carlos Aguirre Aguirre - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (4):49-70.
    The article elaborates an exegetical study of the figure of “Hell” present in the work of the martinican psychiatrist Frantz Fanon. This trope is thought of as a core element of the narrative of Black Skin, White Masks that is linked to reflections on racist alienation, the epidermis, the gaze, and the zone of non-being. Exploring the different modulations of “Hell”, the article makes a displacement that seeks to argue how the infernal of Fanon’s story, more than a metaphor, accounts (...)
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    Simple and efficient bi-objective search algorithms via fast dominance checks.Carlos Hernández, William Yeoh, Jorge A. Baier, Han Zhang, Luis Suazo, Sven Koenig & Oren Salzman - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 314 (C):103807.
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  36. An antidote to illusory inferences.Carlos Santamaria & P. N. Johnson-Laird - 2000 - Thinking and Reasoning 6 (4):313 – 333.
    The mental model theory predicts that reasoners normally represent what is true, but not what is false. One consequence is that reasoners should make "illusory" inferences, which are compelling but invalid. Three experiments confirmed the existence of such illusions based on disjunctions of disjunctions. They also established a successful antidote to them: Reasoners are much less likely to succumb to illusions if the inferences concern disjunctions of physical objects (alternative newspaper advertisements) rather disjunctions of the truth values of assertions. The (...)
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  37. O tempo transitivo da nação: apontamentos sobre o Brasil Republicano no pensamento de Eduardo Prado.Carlos Henrique Armani - 2010 - Topoi: Revista de História 11 (21):164-177.
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  38. La ciencia nueva de Vico. De la metafísica al hombre.Carlos David García Mancilla - 2004 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 17 (18):2004-2005.
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    Endurantismo y extensión espacio-temporal.Carlos Rossi - 2024 - Ideas Y Valores 72 (183).
    Según la caracterización extendida del debate entre endurantistas y perdurantistas, los objetos materiales persisten temporalmente o bien en virtud de estar totalmente presentes en distintos momentos de tiempo, o bien en virtud de poseer partes temporales en distintos momentos de tiempo. El presente artículo se propone realizar una defensa de la teoría endurantista de las objeciones presentadas por Barker y Dowe (2003; 2005) y Hofweber y Velleman (2011). Dichas objeciones intentan mostrar que el Endurantismo (i) supone lógicamente la tesis característica (...)
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    The gift of Mexican historicism.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2017 - Continental Philosophy Review 51 (3):439-457.
    The focus of this paper is Mexican historicism. It has three objectives: first, to introduce English-speaking readers to the nature and history of Mexican historicism; second, to defend Mexican historicism against the charges of relativism usually raised against historicism in general and “Mexican” philosophy in particular; and third, to argue for what I call the transcendental, or alternatively, “liberatory,” nature of Mexican historicism—a nature with philosophical and political consequences. The hope is that by making the clarifications and determinations made here, (...)
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    Pasión por la ignorancia.Carlos Tomás Elías - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 29:227-229.
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    Partitions of products.Carlos A. Prisco & James M. Henle - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (3):860 - 871.
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    A systemic problem cannot be solved systemically.Carlos Eduardo Maldonado - 2023 - Cinta de Moebio 77:79-88.
    This paper is a short essay that claims that a systemic problem cannot be rightly understood and even less solved on the same level, in the same framework or with the same tools that entail the very same problem. This is a radical variation of Einstein’s idea set out in the context of the Copenhaguen debate according to which a problem cannot be solved if we do not change the conditions in which the problem arose originally. More exactly, a systemic (...)
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    La evolución orgánica vista desde el tomismo como pasos de entes en potencia a entes en acto.Carlos Hugo Prosperi Sitano - 2022 - Revista Filosofía Uis 21 (2):19-40.
    La evolución orgánica es objeto de discusión en los ámbitos religiosos, con defensores y detractores. Entre los científicos no existen dudas acerca de la evolución orgánica como un hecho debidamente comprobado, que incluso es admitido dentro de la Iglesia católica. Las implicancias metafísicas de este hecho científico no necesariamente abonan una visión materialista, sino todo lo contrario, e incluso tales implicancias son perfectamente compatibles con la perspectiva aristotélico-tomista y hasta refuerzan los conceptos de creación y providencia.
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  45. How Enaction and Ecological Approaches Can Contribute to Sports and Skill Learning.Carlos Avilés, José A. Navia, Luis-Miguel Ruiz-Pérez & Jorge A. Zapatero-Ayuso - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  46. Nuevas rutas abiertas para la investigación y práctica clínica.Carlos Alonso Bedate - 2007 - Critica 57 (948):28-33.
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    João Paulo Monteiro, Realidade e Cognição, IN-CM, Lisboa, 2004, pp. 131.Carlos Leone - 2005 - Cultura:249-250.
    Ao cabo de toda uma carreira universitária que quase pode ser confundida com a reflexão sobre Hume em língua portuguesa, a ponto de outros interesses, capazes de originar empresas como a tradução do Leviathan de Hobbes (também na INCM), serem como que laterais ao percurso do seu autor, João Paulo Monteiro publica Realidade e Cognição, uma obra que não se afasta dos domínios de gnoseologia e epistemologia contemporâneas que lhe são familiares nem da influência humeana que aqui surge explicitam...
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    Conceptual and empirical reflection provide more arguments for the centrality of extreme poverty in COVID‐19 vaccination: A reply to Abal and Zeledón‐Ramírez et al.Carlos Augusto Yabar - 2023 - Developing World Bioethics 23 (3):209-210.
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    Criticality in the spotlight.Carlos M. Roos - 2022 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 13 (2):93-95.
    This editorial provides an overview of topics covered in Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 13:2. Adopting ‘criticality’ as an interpretative framework, four research articles are introduced which discuss relevant matters in ethics, rhetoric, political philosophy and cultural critique from a communicational standpoint.
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    Derechos de la infancia y la adolescencia: hacia un sistema legal.Carlos Villagrasa Alcaide - 2015 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 49:17-41.
    El objetivo de este artículo es mostrar las actuales reivindicaciones que se presentan, globalmente, en el desarrollo de los derechos humanos de las personas menores de edad, tomando como punto de partida la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño, y su incorporación a la normativa interna, especialmente al ordenamiento jurídico estatal y autonómico. Teniendo en cuenta la actualización normativa, a través de las recientes reformas de la legislación española y catalana, se apunta hacia una tendencia paulatina de conf iguración de (...)
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